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Research Group Trügler

Research Topic

Polar Cryosphere

Research Interest

Our group is dedicated to studying the polar cryosphere, with a particular focus on the impacts of climate change in the Arctic. As the scientific leader of the Sermilik Research Station in East Greenland, I emphasize an interdisciplinary approach that integrates Arctic field observations with numerical analyses. We utilize advanced computational techniques, including machine learning, to enhance data analysis and improve model predictions by incorporating diverse data sources. By combining in-situ field data with remote sensing and AI methods, we aim to investigate complex changes in the Arctic environment. Our team brings together expertise from computer science, physics, mathematics, glaciology, and other disciplines.

Manager of the Sermilik research station



  • Sebastian Scher (PostDoc, Uni-Graz)
  • Lea Demelius (PhD student, Know-Center)
  • Brennan Bell (PhD student, Know-Center)
  • Marie Maierbrugger (Master student, Uni-Graz und FH Joanneum)
  • David Weissteiner (Master student, Know-Center)

Sebastian Scher, PhD


Lea Demelius, MSc


Brennan Bell, MSc


Marie Maierbrugger, BSc


David Weissteiner, BSc

Selected Publications

  • Abermann, B. Vandecrux, S. Scher, K. Löffler, F. Schalamon, A. Trügler, R. Fausto, and W. Schöner; Learning from Alfred Wegener’s pioneering field observations in West Greenland after a century of climate change; Sci Rep 13, 7583 (2023)
  • K.L. Kapper, T. Goelles, S. Muckenhuber, A. Trügler, J. Abermann, B. Schlager, C. Gaisberger, J. Grahn, E. Malnes, A. Prokop, W. Schöner; Automated snow avalanche monitoring for Austria: state-of-the-art and roadmap for future work, Front. Remote Sens. 4:1156519 (2023)
  • Unger, A. Trügler, U. Hohenester; Novel Modal Approximation Scheme for Plasmonic Transmission Problems, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 246802 (2018)
  • Hörl, G. Haberfehlner, A. Trügler, F. Schmidt, U. Hohenester, and G. Kothleitner; Tomographic reconstruction of the photonic environment of plasmonic nanoparticles, Nature Communications 8, 37 (2017)
  • Lagos, A. Trügler, U. Hohenester, P. Batson; Mapping vibrational surface and bulk modes in a single nanocube, Nature 543, 529-532 (2017)
  • Waxenegger, A. Trügler, and U. Hohenester; Plasmonics simulations with the MNPBEM toolbox: Consideration of substrates and layer structures, Comp. Phys. Commun. 193, 138-150 (2015)
