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Research Group Prinz

Research Topic

Cryosphere and Climate

Research Interest

While the Greenland Ice Sheet receives a lot of attention in cryospheric sciences, land terminating glaciers and ice caps in the periphery of the Greenland Ice Sheet remain understudied. Investigating these glaciers and their local climate controls offers the possibility to translate glacier changes into climate signals of regional relevance. This is of interest in most parts of Greenland, where long-term climate monitoring is scarce. We combine in-situ observations, remote sensing, atmospheric reanalysis data and numerical modelling to an improved understanding of climate change in the Arctic.

Rainer Prinz, PhD

Department of Atmospheric and Cryospheric Sciences, University of Innsbruck



  • Marie Schroeder, MSc, PhD student

Selected Publications

  • Steiner, J. F., Buri, P., Abermann, J., Prinz, R., & Nicholson, L. (2023). Steep ice – progress and future challenges in research on ice cliffs. Annals of Glaciology, 1–5.
  • Abermann, J., Steiner, J. F., Prinz, R., Wecht, M., & Lisager, P. (2020): The Red Rock ice cliff revisited – six decades of frontal, mass and area changes in the Nunatarssuaq area, Northwest Greenland. Journal of Glaciology, 66(258), 567-576.
  • Shahi, S., Abermann, J., Heinrich, G., Prinz, R., & Schöner, W. (2020): Multi-decadal changes in temperature inversions in Greenland. Journal of Climate, 33(21). 9391-9407.


  • LATTICE – Land-terminating ice cliffs in North Greenland: processes, divers and their relation to regional climate
  • INTERACT: International Network for Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in the Arctic