A new home for the Austrian Polar Research in East Greenland is becoming reality. The construction on the area of the Sermilik Research Station is continuously proceeding. What is so special about the place and how did the observations at…
In the first part of our expedition report, we focused on project planning and execution. In the following, we will describe the initial findings in comparison to Alfred Wegener's insights. In the initial phase of the project, we focused on…
Since the approval of WEG_Re (Centennial Climate Drivers of Glacier Changes in Greenland) by the Austrian Science Fund FWF in November 2021, the APRI team of the University of Graz together with the Know Center Graz has been working on…
A large-scale study led by Dominik Fahrner, Liverpool University, that involved the Austrian Polar Research Institute (APRI) provides evidence of a severe Greenland-wide retreat of glacier fronts on the world's largest island that began in the 1980s. Jakob Abermann of…
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