Am 11. November 2020 hat die APRI-Generalversammlung ein neues APRI-Management-Team gewählt: Wolfgang Schöner (Universität Graz): Direktor Birgit Sattler (Universität Innsbruck): Vize-Direktorin Andreas Richter (Universität Wien): Geschäftsführender Sekretär Peter Schweitzer (Universität Wien): Stellvertretender geschäftsführender Sekretär Annett Bartsch (b.geos): Finanzvorständin Gertrude Saxinger (Universität…
Read MoreAs part of this year's APRI annual meeting, which will be held online, Annett Bartsch (b.geos) will give a presentation entitled Arctic monitoring across disciplines – APRI members’ contributions. The presentation will take place on zoom, from 3-3:50 pm on…
Read MoreThe APRI Annual Meeting in Graz was a great success. We had a total of 16 presentations, including two guest lectures. We gained interesting insights into the different members' research activities, got some updates on upcoming APRI activities and projects,…
Read MoreThe Annual Meeting of the Austrian Polar Research Institute will take place in Graz, on November 14th and November 15th. As usual, the different working groups will present updates on their current work, and invited guests will present their research…
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