Am 25. November 2024 um 18:00 Uhr wird der Stationsleiter der Forschungsstation Sermilik im Rahmen der APRI-Jahreshauptversammlung einen Vortrag an der Universität Graz halten. Er gibt spannende Einblicke in die Arbeit und die Forschungsschwerpunkte der Station. An der Ostküste Grönlands,…
Read MoreDr. Andreas Trügler has been appointed since September 1, 2024 as scientific director of the Austrian polar station Sermilik on the East Greenland island of Ammassalik. We asked Andreas about his goals for the first few years of the polar research…
Read MoreOn 16 October 2024 at 18:30, the #15 Polar Talk will take place at the Natural History Museum Vienna. The Arctic Permafrost Atlas translates and consolidates the available knowledge on permafrost. It is a timely book suffused with the compelling…
Read MoreAm 06.11.2024 um 18:30 Uhr findet der #16 Polar Talk im Naturhistorischen Museum Wien statt. China sieht sich heute als "Near-Arctic State" mit erklärten politischen und wirtschaftlichen Interessen im Hohen Norden. In vormoderner Zeit hingegen scheint es, dass die Chinesische…
Read MoreThe 29th International Polar Conference brought leading polar and high mountain researchers and young scientists to Rauris, an Alpine community in the province of Salzburg, for a week of intense discussion and knowledge exchange. The picturesque village lies in the…
Read MoreIn these days, the term “microplastics” is already inflationary. There is literally no escape from media reporting: we are nearly daily confronted with the fact that our oceans suffer from massive loads of plastic litter which is mirrored by worrisome…
Read MoreArt Exhibition: Polar regions and high mountains in the Anthropocene The aim of the art exhibition is to invite artists from various European countries to present their experiences and perspectives on the effects of the Anthropocene on the polar regions…
Read MoreClimate change is a powerful story in Longyearbyen, Svalbard. While the natural sciences agree that the archipelago is profoundly impacted by accelerating climate change, locally there are multiple and diverging stories about climate change and adaptation.The aim of this research…
Read MoreWe are pleased to cordially invite all interested in polar and high mountain research to the 29th International Polar Conference! The conference will take place from September 16 to 20, 2024, in Rauris, Austria. It is co-organized by the German…
Read MoreClimate change in the Arctic and its consequences for nature and people are widely reported in the media. What is much less well known is that climate change is particularly pronounced in the Arctic and has a direct impact on…
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